I love Crazy Aunt Purl and I visit her website practically every day. I've read a huge number of the archived posts too. I love her honesty and bluntness and humour and even her cats (and I'm not a cat person!).
With both books I wondered how much I'd enjoy them because I do read her blog all the time. But that woman amazes me. Most of the stories in her book were new ones and if they weren't entirely new, they were definitely expanded to add more details and more giggles and the occasional cringe or tear, but they were definitely different. There were some things that I had briefly wondered about that she hadn't address on the site that were in the book.
I loved that it was written in pretty much the same style as her blog. It wasn't all prettied up and changed so it sounded like someone else.
I also loved the knitting recipes at the end of both books. There were a couple I wanted to take a closer look at in the first book but it had to go back to the library and I couldn't even renew it because someone else had a hold on it.
Anyway, I pretty much thought this book (and the first one) was great. I'm waiting for installment #3! Both of these were quick reads for me - I think two days each.